The SIPPS P&C has it's own website.

The SIPPS P&C Website is an excellent resource for staying "in the know". Here's just a few reasons to visit the website:

  1. With an up to date calendar, you'll be able to plan ahead and know what's happening at the school months in advance.
  2. It has an section with Parent Resources which we will continue to add to. There are tools on how to help your child with homework, upcoming NAPLAN assessments, and how to build resilience.
  3. Find out who's on the P&C Executive team, know our faces and feel free to come and chat to us in the school playground.
  4. Access minutes of our meetings, and agendas for future meetings. A great way to keep yourself informed of what's happening in the school community.
  5. Become a member! Being a member allows you to vote on P&C policies.
    You can sign up on line to be a member of the P&C.
SIPPS P&C Website